Author Guidelines


The Journal accepts original manuscripts of up to 2500 words (about 5 pages—excluding title page, abstract, references, legends and other related material). We regret we are unable to accept previously published manuscripts or manuscripts being considered for publication elsewhere. Articles may be subject to peer review. Manuscripts should be prepared as Microsoft Word files, single-spaced, block style, adding extra line space between paragraphs. Do not use indents, bold face, italics, underlines or tabs. If you use Track Changes, be sure you are sending a final document with all changes accepted. Cover letter and/or title page should include principal author’s name, mailing address and e-mail address, daytime telephone and fax number. Names and addresses for all other authors should be provided. If more than three authors, give nature and level of contribution of each, that is, whether work was directed or independent. Include an abstract of the article of no more than 75- 100 words and, if available, head and shoulder photo(s) of author(s). Photos may be black/white or color. Jpeg files are preferred. We encourage authors to make their submission electronically. Submit manuscripts and related materials to: Managing Editor, The New York State Dental Journal, Suite 602, 20 Corporate Woods Boulevard, Albany, NY 12211;


References must be keyed to the text and numbered consecutively, beginning with 1. They should include, in the following order: author, title, name of periodical, date of publication, volume, number, page number(s). For books, include the location and name of publisher before the publication date. Do not cite unpublished works; personal communications are acceptable provided they are dated, signed and a copy made available.


Only one set of illustrations is required. The Journal accepts black/white prints and radiographs, color prints and/or transparencies, charts and graphs. In all instances, the work submitted should be in its original form. If your illustrations are on disk, please identify the program used, and provide a laser print. With regard to electronic transmissions, we accept digital files only. We are unable to accept Power Point presentations or images imbedded in Word files; all figures submitted electronically must be sent separate from the text, as jpeg files.

If submitting prints, please write lightly the figure number on the back of each print. Indicate the top of the photograph with an arrow or the word “Top.” Slides or X-rays should be identified similarly on the front. If you are submitting your images electronically, we request that you include a composite of the images with photographs, X-rays, charts, tables, etc., numbered and oriented with an arrow pointing upwards. As an alternative, you may print out images, identify the figure number on each and place an arrow that will clearly identify how these images are to be oriented. Each illustration should be identified with a figure number (Figure 1, 2, etc.) that corresponds to an accompanying legend. Figure legends should appear at the end of the prepared manuscript, not affixed to the illustration. Cite each figure in the text in consecutive order. Photographic material not submitted electronically will be returned to the author upon publication.


The title of the article and the names of the authors, along with their academic and professional degrees, should appear on the first page. Indicate the author’s university, hospital or other professional affiliation for use in author’s credit. Include concise information conveying professional background and standing. Please divulge any financial, economic or professional interests that may influence positions presented in the article.


Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication in The Journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright ownership and to assign all rights under ownership of copyright to The New York State Dental Journal. Authors may order reprints of their published article from The Journal either before or after publication. The Journal reserves the right to edit manuscripts and revise titles.


The Journal makes every effort to notify authors within 30 days of the acceptance of their articles. Authors should expect passage of up to a year from acceptance to publication of their articles. Authors will be notified when their articles have been scheduled, and they will receive final copy for approval prior to publication. The Journal returns all disks and original artwork, along with complimentary copies for the author(s).

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