
Dental students and residents face many unique challenges. The education you undertake is a difficult but rewarding endeavor, and the New York State Dental Association is committed to our state’s dental students and residents. Taking advantage of NYSDA programming at this vital time is an investment you will be glad you made.

We’ll be there to help you get started after all of your hard work in school. Become a member and let us help you navigate past dental school and into practice.

Educational Requirements

To meet the education requirements for licensure, you must provide the State Education Department Office of the Professions evidence of completion of:

  1. Not less than 60 semester hours of pre-professional education, including courses in general chemistry, organic chemistry, biology or zoology, and physics; and
  2. A program of professional education consisting of either:
    • At least four academic years, or the equivalent thereof, in a program registered by the Department as licensure qualifying or accredited by an accrediting organization acceptable to the Department (see below for information about accredited dental programs); or
    • At least four academic years of dental education satisfactory to the Department, culminating in a degree, diploma or certificate in dentistry recognized by the appropriate civil authorities of the country in which the school is located, as acceptable for entry into practice in the country in which the school is located.

As of January 1, 2007, all applicants for initial licensure must complete an approved clinically-based dental residency program of at least one year's duration. A clinical (practical) examination such as NERB will not be accepted for initial licensure after December 31, 2006.

NYS Resident Requirements for Licensure

To be licensed to practice Dentistry in NYS you must complete an approved clinically-based dental residency program of at least one year's duration. A clinical (practical) examination such as NERB will not be accepted for initial licensure after December 31, 2006.

The Education Department must also receive, directly from the residency program director, verification of completion of an approved residency program accredited for teaching purposes by an acceptable national accrediting body. You should confirm with your residency program director that the residency program is participating in this route to licensure.

If you participate in a residency program in New York State, you must obtain a limited permit to practice within the residency program. A limited permit is usually handles by the residency program.

You may complete a residency program in either a clinical specialty or in general dentistry.

Specialty Clinical Dental Residency Program

The dental resident applicant must complete a clinical specialty residency program in one or more of the following specialty areas:

  • Endodontics;
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology;
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology;
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;
  • Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics;
  • Pediatric Dentistry;
  • Periodontics or Prosthodontics.

If the specialty residency program is not in one of these specialty areas, 50% of the program completed by the resident must include clinical training in one or more of these specialty areas or general dentistry to meet New York State requirements.

General Dentistry Residency Program

The dental resident applicant must complete a general dentistry program. During the residency program, the dental resident applicant must complete 9 dental procedures independently and to generally accepted professional standards:

  • 2 full crowns;
  • 2 endodontically treated teeth (root canals);
  • 4 restorations (2 anterior, 2 posterior);
  • 1 periodontal case (Type 1).

If you are licensed as a dentist in another jurisdiction and have not completed an approved residency program, you must meet the endorsement requirements. (See  Applicants Licensed in Another Jurisdiction (Endorsement) section.)

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